Philippe Van Troeye

Philippe Van Troeye graduated from the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons and holds a degree in electrical civil engineering with a specialisation in automation.
He took a training course in Health & Safety Advisor Level 2 (1992-1993) as well as the General Management programme at CEDEP/INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France (2000-2001).
He began his career at Philips. In 1988, he joined GDF SUEZ Group, where he has held various positions in Generation at Electrabel. He was Executive Vice-President Conventional Generation Belgium-Luxembourg (2003-2004), Manager of Generation (2004-2006) and General Manager of Generation in Belgium (2006-2011). At the start of 2014, he was appointed CEO of Electrabel.
At the same time, he remained in charge of all the GDF SUEZ Energy Europe Business Line’s generation activities, for which he had been responsible since January 2012.
On January 1, 2016, Ph. Van Troeye became the new CEO of the ENGIE Benelux BU. Philippe Van Troeye is Vice-President of Laborelec and member of the Board in Electrabel, Synatom, Tractebel Engineering, Fabricom, Axima, Cofely and Attentia.