Kirsten Barnhoorn

Kirsten Barnhoorn has more than 25 years of experience in Supply Chain management, Innovation, Marketing and Sustainability, working for large international corporate companies like Philips, Fokker Aircraft and Heineken. She is passionate to create meaningful business and brands for future growth.
Currently she is Director Strategic Partner management at Eneco. Together with her team she is responsible for driving business development, marcom and building strategic partnerships with large corporates and key public organizations.
“Within Eneco, we believe we can only accelerate the energy transition by joined development of new energy sources together with our customers. We develop smart sustainable solutions and provide services that makes sustainable efforts valuable. Innovations and creating added value are key.
Our partnerships are based on long-term supply of sustainable energy (i.e. corporate PPA’s) and joined exploration of opportunities like shared value of demand side management (peak shaving and flex steering), sustainable heat and a variety of other sustainable solutions and services.
Every time we explore how our partnership will contribute to create value in reputation, innovation and stakeholder engagement.”