Organised by:


Guarantees of Origin: facts and fiction

Main session

When: Thursday, 3 October 2019, 11:00 - 12:30
Where: Ballroom I-III (400 participants)

Session description

The market for GOs in Europe continues to grow, providing opportunities and challenges for experienced players and new entrants alike. In order to maintain this growth and ensure the good functioning of GO systems and markets, it is essential that both current and potential users share a common understanding of how these systems work. This session will reinforce the facts of the GOs and EACs, while countering some fictions which have recently proliferated. Participants will hear from and be able to question expert speakers to boost their knowledge on this crucial market instrument which create the backbone of RE procurement in Europe.

Learning objectives

In this session we will to answer the following questions:


Jared Braslawsky

Secretary General, Renewables Market Expert, RECS international


Tom Lindberg

CEO, Ecohz

Doug Miller

Market Development Manager, Energy Web Foundation

Liesbeth Switten

Representing the Association of Issuing Bodies, AIB

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